The following has been presented to over 100 Hispanics from Dreamers (under 21) to those that are adults and has been well received.
First I agree with the many who quote 30 to 40 million as the number of illegal immigrants. Pew says 11 million, and CAPS says 20 to 38 million. Second I believe that Obama's main way to transform America is by allowing a flood of immigrants not only from Latin America but from Muslim Countries where he is allowing millions of Muslims but NO Christians come into our country. Also millions have come in via tourist visas and just never left. Google it yourself, don't shoot the messenger. Before I would even start the proposals below I would stop all immigration with a one to three year moratorium. And what I am proposing will need refinement but these are the basic components.
There are also several presuppositions that we must consider. As a country we have not enforced our immigration laws. We can not just blame the government for the past 35 years but we also have to blame we the people who elected the government. So in a way we are all guilty. We have never built the proverbial wall. Remember China has a 13,000 mile wall started in the 7th Century BC. Surely we could build a little old wall 1,933 miles. So bottom line we, everyone here in the United States are responsible for the massive influx of illegal immigrants, because we elected the government and did not demand that they act. Thus we bear some moral responsibility because of our lack of action not to mention just basic human moral responsibility. Because of our inaction we have created an environment where many of these people have come here with a tacit understanding that they will not be deported because of our current policies. Yes it has gotten far worse under Obama but this has taken place for the past 35 years.
Second, it would be a humanitarian disaster to send all of these people back to their home country, especially considering that up to one-third of the children do not even speak Spanish. It would be a humanitarian disaster akin to the Cherokee trail of tears. It is also just plain un-Christian. We have to take responsibility but fix the problem.
Now what to do? First, I would build the frik**en wall. While building I would station enough troops and security on the border that illegal immigration would drop to near zero and I would beef up our tracking of people that come in with visas and deport those that overstay their visas. Second, I would immediately make every illegal immigrant that wants to have any hope of staying here in the United States, register, and get a temporary residential card. We would also give different status based on the amount of time you have lived in this country. For example, if you have lived here over 8 years and are paying taxes then you get a permanent residential card. If you have lived here 8 years or more then I would change one law, and that is if you have one of the new temporary residential cards you can apply for citizenship just like anyone else, with the exception that you do not have to leave the country to do so. You would also get in line behind every single person that has applied legally up to this point. I would fortify the citizenship test to teach even more civics and the reason why American culture is better than the one they fled from. (or else they would not have come here illegally.) And they must pass an English language test. If you have lived here 8 years or less then we will have to have evaluate your situation on a case by case basis. I would also promote voter id nationwide so that only US citizens vote. For practical reasons we may have to divide this up into shorter time periods with increasing criteria just because of the number of people.
Overall and in parallel with this I would implement a workfare program much like Clinton (yes, I actually like a few things he did) where there is job training and a set time to get off of welfare. I would also make every single welfare recipient prove that they are American Citizens, or that they have the temporary residential card mentioned a above.
Next, I would deport every single convicted felon that is an illegal immigrant. I would then look at all recent illegal arrivals, starting with today and going back 8 years, and if they are on our welfare system I would make sure they are on the workfare program and if they do not get off of welfare then I would provide them free air fare back to their home country.
Of course there may be many changes and refinements to this proposal. But overall these are the kinds of practical solutions that I believe are humane, fair, and that will protect the future of America.
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