By Andrew C. McCarthy
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Posted at 01:08 PM in Constitution, Current Affairs, Foreign Policy, Freedom under Fire, Israel, Legislation, Obama Lies | Permalink | Comments (0)
Until the Pastor speaks out from the pulpit on the Biblical principles on the events and issues of the day we will lose our country and our children to those that do not fear God.
If those preachers in the 1700s had not preached, from the Bible, from the pulpit, the Biblical principles relating to the issues of the day we would still be under tyranny. Without preachers preaching doing the same today we will soon be under tyranny.
[This article is not supporting Dominion Theology but merely that we need to be Salt and Light. Politics and current issues and candidates should not dominate the pulpit but should certainly not be avoided.]
Evangelical Christians have a huge problem they pay 30% to 40% of their income in taxes to others that undermine their own values and beliefs. 75% do not vote or vote against Christian principles and as a result billions of their tax dollars are directed by politicians into many programs but especially education programs that indoctrinate their children against their own values.[3] And the pastors are silent. Billions of tax dollars also go into public subsidies for Hollywood for TV and Movies in the form of tax incentives to promote promiscuity and homosexuality as normal lifestyle choices. Between just these two of many areas, count up the number of hours your children spend in school and watching TV and movies. And the pastors are silent. Your children go to church for 1 to 3 hours a week yet they attend school, TV and movies on average 70 hours a week. If you Tithe you give 10% to church and if you pay taxes you can be paying up to 40% in taxes to a government that you did not vote for. And without your participation in the political process that money is spent to undermine your values rather than reinforce them. And the people and the Pastors are silent. "My people have been lost sheep. Their shepherds have led them astray.." Jer_50:6 (NKJV)
Who are the rulers and Kings of America?
“We the people” are the kings (the authority - I Tim 2:2) and rulers of the United States of America according to the Constitution. The power of America comes from our Creator, to the people, to the Constitution, to the elected officials. This is unique in human history. The pastor is the spiritual leader of “We the People” and it is time “We the evangelical people” raised our voices. There has been a misconception by many that our President is like the King in the Bible but that is not true. We do not have a Caesar “We the People” are the Caesar. And of course we should obey all lawful commands of those that we put in authority, and be good citizens.
The Bible says, 13 “You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot.” Matt 5:13 Being “Salt and Light”, means involvement in the community, not just preaching to the community but being part of it, voting in it, contributing something back to it and certainly having some small say in how all your tax dollars are spent. Also in the Bible, Jesus says, “I am the way and the truth and the life…” John 14:6 The pastor must speak the whole truth to the people.
Union Halls vs. the Churches
The liberals gather in the Union Halls of America, the conservatives gather in the churches. The Unions give hundreds of millions of dollars to liberal, socialist, and progressive Democrat candidates[4], the churches give nothing to either side. In fact most pastors are even afraid to speak out about the “truth and life” on many of the issues of the day. The reasons are many: lack of conviction, fear of losing the democrat members of their congregation, not wanting to be involved in the dirty business of politics, believing that being involved in politics is somehow not part of a pastors responsibility, fear of the IRS, confusion on who the King is, or fear of something else. Most do not talk about abortion because a third to half of their members have now participated in some way or another in abortion[5] and it is a hard topic to breach. Most do not talk about divorce because again a third to half of their people are now divorced and it is also a difficult subject to address. Many don’t talk about the sin of homosexuality (the church loves homosexuals, adulterers, liars, and sinners, just not their actions.) because they are afraid of the press, the negative publicity, the PC crowd, the thinking we have already lost this issue, and it is a difficult, unsavory subject. Another major reason is that for the young people of the church homosexuality is the new civil rights movement (thanks to their brain washing by their schools and TV shows) and they take offense at any lack of acceptance of it[6]. Another barrier affecting those 35 and under is the, “dictum that an opinion can only be tolerated if it does not "oppress" (read: offend) anybody, pretty soon this dictum will be the only opinion allowed to exist.”[7] This is the result of most church young people spending 6 to 7 hours a day under the control of a liberal, socialist, progressive, democrat controlled school system (Please read these footnotes if this seems like too strong a statement.[8]), funded by church members dollars, that is indoctrinating young people in to a new worldview that is diametrically opposed to the teachings of the Bible.
The public school systems promote a non-Christian world view that promotes evolution, socialism, abortion, promiscuity, and homosexuality and thus, undermines the family. (As a Christian this author loves everyone, but I do not accept everyone’s moral choices. Like adultery, homosexuality is a bad moral choice according to the Bible, but we love the Homosexual.) We are talking about billions and billions of conservative dollars funding an educational system that is diametrically opposed to a Christian World View. If you the conservative reader is not convinced of these facts then this author would say open your eyes and take the initiative to google, and do some basic research. (Just click on the references in the footnotes to start.)
Christians are funding their own destruction, and the pastors are silent!
“When NEWSWEEK recently asked 1,000 U.S. citizens to take America’s official citizenship test, 29 percent couldn’t name the vice president. Seventy-three percent couldn’t correctly say why we fought the Cold War. Forty-four percent were unable to define the Bill of Rights. And 6 percent couldn’t even circle Independence Day on a calendar.” [9] Most citizens cannot make a clear argument for why a pre-born child is a child, and whether or not homosexuality is genetic (it is not) or a moral decision they have no facts just propaganda.
Without knowledge a people perish.
The battle is for the minds of America and the World. Conservative pastors have been preaching “the way” but have stopped short of preaching all “the truth and the life”. Yes Jesus might come back today, but he may wait another thousand years. What are we to do in the meantime… we must be salt and light in our communities and that means some involvement in politics because politics is simply people organizing themselves. This author has attended faithfully a church for 16 years yet never heard the topic of abortion addressed from the pulpit. The author has attended a second church where like the first church nothing was done on Sanctity of Human Life Sunday and in a year there has been no preaching on abortion. The Pastors are silent about the American Holocaust like they were during the German Holocaust.
How effective is this indoctrination?
One of the most amazing examples of indoctrination is that people in the United States have been indoctrinated to the point where they are willing to kill their own flesh and blood. No, they do not have to be forced, threatened, or tortured into killing their own family. They do it willingly. The World War II (1939 -1945) German Holocaust was carried out by the world’s most powerful army. People were rounded up by force, put on trains, put in prison camps, and murdered in mass, by an overwhelming evil military force. The American Holocaust has been carried out by brain washing Americans into killing their own children before they are born and spreading a culture of death. People, both men and women, are literally convinced that they are just stopping an inconvenience, a mistake, until after they actually have the abortion, and then many know the truth. If they still have a conscience they know that they have killed their own flesh and blood, because there is no doubt that the life inside the mother is now dead, and if they had not killed the pre-born baby they would have had a living breathing baby. Some survivors of abortion come to God in true deep contrite repentance accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior, and God certainly forgives them and they truly have the guilt, burden and sin washed clean away from their lives. Others commit suicide, others carry a deep guilt to their grave, and others have their consciences seared and feel nothing. Abortion has even become easier, and more available with the free abortion and morning after pills that are available in Obamacare. How long will the pastors keep silent? The battle for the heart and soul of America is in the hands of today’s pastors except many have taken themselves out of action and are unwilling to speak from the pulpit for pro-life candidates.
Until the Pastor from the pulpit speaks out on these issues and for Godly candidates we will lose our country to those that do not fear God. Unless the Head Pastor, not a guest pastor, says it from the pulpit, few in the congregation will hear it. This must be from the pulpit and from the pastor to be truly effective.
How can Pastors change the political spectrum and stop the funding of their own destruction?
Pastors will only have to preach and teach the truth on the Life of a Child from conception and marriage between one woman and one man. That is it. They can do this legally, openly, powerfully and with the funds of the church for now. In Canada, and England it is illegal to speak against homosexuality as a sin. It is only a matter of time before this happens here in America. [10]
Today Pastors can still point out the differences between the party platforms of the Democrats and the Republicans.[11] They can clearly state that the church is neither Republican nor Democrat but that the platforms as they stand, stand in stark contrast to each other. This is education. There are many social liberal Republicans, country club Republicans, RINO Republicans, but the Republican platform today still speaks for itself and unless it changes, represents a stark contrast to the Democrat platform. The Johnson Amendment in 1954 to the 501c(3) tax code, illegally and in violation of the first Amendment, tried to stop pastors from preaching about the morality of candidates from the pulpit. Pulpit Freedom Sunday[12] and the Alliance Defending Freedom[13] organization are all about the true freedom of the first Amendment and it is time that pastors stopped being afraid, especially mega church pastors that are afraid of losing the half of their congregation which votes Democrat. Our church members must be lovingly, gently and persuasively be taught the “truth and the life”.
Below are excerpts from both of the 2012 party platforms, you can click on the pdfs to read them in detail. If this comparison is not night and day, good and evil, choosing life or death then we are all blind. [14]
The political platforms speak for themselves and are a stark contrast to each other.
So is the Bible: 18 I declare to you this day that you will certainly be destroyed. You will not live long in the land you are crossing the Jordan to enter and possess. 19 This day I call the heavens and the earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live 20 and that you may love the Lord your God, listen to his voice, and hold fast to him. For the Lord is your life, and he will give you many years in the land he swore to give to your fathers, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Deuteronomy 30:18-20 New International Version (NIV)
From Wallbuilders: - This can be used as a bulletin insert!
The California Republican Party is the party that protects innocent life because we believe life begins at conception and ends at natural death. We support laws that protect unborn children from partial birth, sex selection, and tax-payer funded abortions, and abortions performed as a form of birth control or on minor girls without their parent's notification and consent.
We believe that the question of abortion is a matter that should be left to the people through their elected representatives, not usurped by the United States Supreme Court, and believe that Roe v. Wade was wrongly decided and should be reversed.
We support adoption as an alternative to abortion and call on lawmakers to reduce the bureaucratic burden placed on adoptive couples.
As a part of respecting the sanctity of life for disabled persons, we oppose efforts to legalize assisted suicide or euthanasia.
We support a comprehensive ban on all human cloning.
The California Republican Party supports ethical stem cell research that focuses on cures not destroying innocent human Life.
The California Republican Party affirms the family as the natural and indispensable institution for human development. A strong and healthy family unit is the heart of the home – a safe surrounding where family decisions are made, children are raised, and morality is taught. The family is a foundation upon which American society has grown and prospered for over 200 years. We support the twoparent family as the best environment for raising children, and therefore believe that it is important to define marriage as being between one man and one woman. We believe public policy and education should not be exploited to present or teach homosexuality as an acceptable "alternative" lifestyle. We oppose same-sex partner benefits, child custody, and adoption.
Preserve confidential, unrestricted access to affordable, high quality, culturally sensitive health care services, including the full range of reproductive services, contraception and abortion, without requiring guardian, judicial, parental, or spousal consent or notification;
Support nondiscrimination and equality for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender people in all aspects of their lives; and, We support the LGBT community in its quest for the right to legal marriage as well as the respective clergy religious freedom to solemnize marriages in accordance with their beliefs.[15]
ACTION - Signing the Life at Conception Petition should be the minimum goal of every church going person and pastor reading this article.
[3] Half are not registered to vote and approximately half that do vote, vote against Christian principles,
[5] 56 Million Abortions since 1973 times 2 parents =~ 100 million times 4 grandparents = 400 Million people. This is more than the population of the US because some have had multiple abortions. But this shows the overwhelming impact of abortion.
[7]; ; ; Indoctrination: Public Schools and the Decline of Christianity in America By: Colin Gunn.
[10] Ottawa, Ontario – The Supreme Court of Canada has ruled that Biblical speech opposing homosexual behavior, including in written form, is essentially a hate crime.
A Christian street preacher was arrested and locked in a cell for telling a passer-by that homosexuality is a sin in the eyes of God.
[11] Constitutional Protection for Pastors:
[14] 2012 Democratic Party Platform 2012 2012-National-Platform.pdf. 2012 Republican Party Platform 2012GOPPlatform.pdf
Posted at 02:03 PM in Current Affairs, Education, Freedom under Fire, Issues, Religion, Worldview | Permalink | Comments (0)
Fear in this context means an awesome respect of a powerful being. I have been reading some of the online “discussions” on the recent Supreme Court ruling on Gay marriage. I have read many reasoned loving articles warning what the Bible says on the subject. And all of the responses that disagreed with that position were harsh, strident, self righteous, and many used profane language. The responders all thought they were absolutely right, while not accepting the fact that there was absolute Truth. The responders universally were more fearful of not being politically correct than engaging in a discussion about the Bible. PC was the god they feared not the true and living God of the Bible.
The responders argued with a profane religious fervor, and claimed the absolute moral high ground because of course they were absolutely tolerant. None of the responders used logic and none would engage in a reasoned and logic based discussion. In their thinking there was no way there could be another point of view. They were all absolutely devoted to their deity, PC Tolerance, and anyone who disagreed with them was called their words for their new devil, homophobe, islamophobe, racist, misogynist, and the worst of all intolerant. Their new god, political correctness, is tolerant for everything the Bible says is detrimental to man’s relationship to God, and intolerant of everything that God says is right and good. In this new religion, to violate PC is sin. And those that commit PC “sins” deserve swift and crushing punishment here on this earth. The PC god’s punishment, is usually profane, vindictive character assassination, being ridiculed out of relevance, marginalized, cast out of employment, and destroying your business. You see it was not “love wins” but violent relentless hate for righteous that won. It was this violent hate that scared its opposers from speaking out. A perfect storm.
Continue reading "People Fear PC More Than They Fear God." »
Posted at 12:36 PM in Constitution, Current Affairs, Issues, Legislation, Religion, Stories to Educate Your Friends, Worldview | Permalink | Comments (0)
How should we treat Homosexuals? We should treat them with love and respect and equal pay, and be willing to tell them the truth no matter what the cost because that is what love does.
Today's ruling (5 to 4) on Gay marriage defies logic and the Constitution. The danger today is that the ruling was made with NO defense of the rule of law and no valid justification from the Constitution for what was ruled. Why did the court do this? Because of the Worldviews of the Justices. (Please read "Who we Are" on the menu for a discussion on Worldview.) The ruling makes a mockery of the Constitution, the rule of law, common sense, and destroys States rights. "Scalia wrote. "But the Court ends this debate, in an opinion lacking even a thin veneer of law." Justice Clarence Thomas pilloried the majority opinion as "at odds not only with the Constitution, but with the principles upon which our nation were built." Kennedy and the Court's liberal wing are invoking a definition of "liberty" that the Constitution's framers "would not have recognized, to the detriment of the liberty they sought to protect. Along the way, it rejects the idea—captured in our Declaration of Independence—that human dignity is innate and suggests instead that it comes from the Government," Thomas said. "This distortion of our Constitution not only ignores the text, it inverts the relationship between the individual and the state in our Republic. I cannot agree with it." See article on the dissent here.
Worldviews develop with a major first step, which is deciding if there is a God or if there is not a God. And second if there is a God, is Jesus God? And third is deciding if the following quote from Jesus is true where He said, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me" in Jn 14:6. And last deciding if people have a free will to choose or if their actions are determined by outside forces. Your answer, "Yes" or "No" on each of these points take you in radically different direction on how you think and what laws you implement. I believe that 5 of the Justices by their actions and rulings would have answered No to each of these questions.
So I would propose based on the actions of the Justices over their lifetime that maybe 4 have some belief or respect of God and 5 have little to no belief or respect of God. Yes I know they are all culturally Catholic and Jewish by heritage on the court but that does not mean they actually believe in God, that is a personal decision and we can not know their hearts only their actions. And their actions do not line up with the Judeo/Christian God of the Bible. There are also NO Protestants or Evangelicals on the bench which means over 70% of our country's worldview is not represented by the Supreme Court.
Continue reading "Gay Marriage and the Declaration of Independence" »
Posted at 01:37 PM in Constitution, Current Affairs, Legislation, Religion, Worldview | Permalink | Comments (0)
Elections matter. We now have AB1266 (the Bathroom Bill) as a law passed by the California legislature and signed by Gov. Brown because of one Assembly seat that we lost in the South Bay, AD 66. We lost by just a few percentage points, and one major contributor to that was on the Sunday before the election a guest pastor got up in front of his 10,000 person congregation and said “don’t bother to vote Tuesday because your vote will not matter”. Well folks every single child in California in both public and private schools are now subject to sharing showers and bathrooms with the .001% of children who declare themselves to be transvestites but also to every football team who decides that declaring to be “girl for a day” in order to shower with the girls on campus. This is child abuse legalized by the state. But the people of California voted and if 9,000 voters had switched sides in South Bay we would not have this bill. So elections matter. LETS CHANGE THAT
Posted at 12:06 PM in Current Affairs, Issues, Legislation, Religion | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Is it Compassionate to give money and services to people to make them a permanent dependent class?
It is Compassionate to give them "Health Insurance" but NO Doctors. (85% of doctors have considered quitting.)?
There are 100,000 gang members in Chicago (7/12/12 News) and they are currently in a gang war that has killed 245 people many who are innocent bystanders. Is this compassionate to take away a man's means of supporting a family and self fullfillment that a job offers and instead make his provision unnecessary, becuase the government will take care of his children and girlfriends?
It is compassionate to disarm the good and Godly citizens of Chicago and instead allow 100,000 armed gang members, who believe it or not, do not follow the repressive gun restrictions in Chicago? There are only 200 gang officers in Chicago. Imagine if they actually organized together against the police. Wow Destruction. (more)
You can see where this is going: total collapse followed by “fundamental transformation,” just as the Cloward-Piven strategy predicts. Each time the Democrats come up with a new exercise in “compassion,” we know from bitter experience that (a) their cost projections are vastly underestimated, and (b) the program, once set on its course, must and will by its own internal, perverted “moral” logic grow until it consumes all available revenue. The program’s seeds of its own destruction — and that of everything it touches — are inherent from the start.
Posted at 11:05 AM in Current Affairs, Government Waste, HealthCare, Issues, Socialism, Socialized Medicine | Permalink | Comments (4) | TrackBack (0)
The budget is easily balanced if we eliminate the Agencies that follow Agenda 21 The Agenda designed to destroy our freedom and economy.
Agenda 21 is the PLAN for a "New World Order" through GLOBAL GOVERNANCE Read Agenda 21
Goal: Global Governance. One world government controlled by a few elite who control every aspect of your life.
Maurice Strong, UN Secretary General - 1992 United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) in Rio de Janeiro said "...Current lifestyles and consumption patterns of the affluent middle class involving high meat consumption and large amounts of frozen and convenience foods, use of fossil fuels, appliances, home and workplace air-conditioning, and suburban housing are not sustainable. A shift is necessary which will require a vast strengthening of the multilateral system, including the United Nations.
Never forget the ultimate goal of this plan is to bring MONEY and POWER to the progressive Elite who call for its implementation.
Key Points of the plan
Let's see how this plan relates to America:
Plan: Create an Environmental Crisis that can only be fixed through "Sustainable Development" living. Create a cry for SOCIAL JUSTICE. (The collective is more important than the individual). Eliminate those that disagree. Use any means possible but try a peaceful take over first.
Premise: The earth is headed for destruction due to the abuse perpetrated by HUMANS. Humans are the enemy. It is the global plan to change the way we "live, eat, learn and communicate" because we must "save the earth."
Premise: The West especially America is the single biggest obstacle to fulfilling this Agenda.
Tools: Change vocabulary to softer words. Alter scientific data, Create UN Agencies like ICLIE to bring information to Government agencies to help implement plan. By-pass Congress and the Senate by using Executive Orders. Install communist/socialist Czars to head Agencies to implement Agenda 21.
Procedure to Execute Plan in America:
Try to regulate Internet
This list can continue for a long time as Agenda 21 has infiltrated every aspect of American life.
Regulation after regulation is put in place designed to destroy the American way of life and the Capitalist economic model.
As citizens became of aware of the original destruction, a new scheme focusing on the environmental was hatched. Vilification of humans who would chose continued development of a free World without environmental rules is their hammer. Corporate raiders who do not care where profits come from have been very willing to join corrupt politicians in public/private partnerships designed to eliminate freedom and private property. Due to unreasonable regulation we are confronted by the selling of American jobs for added profits from cheap forced labor. Today 42% of the American population is living at or below the poverty line and are receiving food stamps.
In order to accomplish the goal of Agenda 21, the fastest way is through the schools. Capture a generation of children by dumbing them down and you will have a group of sheeple who will follow the government by transferring loyalty from the family to the government. More money today is spent on Education than ever before but the content is designed to make and keep Americans DUMB
Why Education? Higher income people are usually educated. These people use more energy and more resources. Higher education increases the threat to sustainability. The truth is secondary, therefore suppress it, twist it and tell half. It does not matter as long as you get the desired results. Dummies do not ask WHY?
One thing we do know for certain, Agenda 21 is based on ideologies that have already failed, have not been tried or are not proven. The phony science involved in "GLOBAL WARMING" has more potential to destroy American Freedom, Innovation and Prosperity than any other plan ever presented. The devastation to the middle class and the poor is unprecedented as the rise of energy costs and all products connected to petroleum escalates and will consume their income.
It is time to put our American house in order. It is time to tell the American people the truth. Only when defunding these unconstitutional rogue Government Agencies, non Government agencies and the UN took place, will America recover.
Employed people pay mortgages, buy Health Insurance, support charities pay taxes and spend money. Agenda 21 is the thread that makes every policy in America today make sense. Read it. Share it, Talk about it and tell Congress. It's time to stop buying our way into the hearts of people who hate America.
Stop sacrificing Americans in order to provide funding to those only interested in MONEY and POWER
Karen Schoen
C: 954-864-0530 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 954-864-0530 end_of_the_skype_highlighting
Posted at 07:40 PM in Agenda 21, Current Affairs, Foreign Policy, Global Warming, Issues | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Undermining Allies
By Thomas Sowell Jewish World Review Feb. 8, 2011 / 4 Adar I, 5771
| | While everyone's attention seems to be focused on the crisis in Egypt, a bombshell revelation about the administration's foreign policy in Europe has largely gone unnoticed.
The British newspaper The Telegraph has reported that part of the price which President Obama paid to get Russia to sign the START treaty, limiting nuclear arms, was revealing to the Russians the hitherto secret size of the British nuclear arsenal. This information came from the latest WikiLeaks documents.
To betray vital military secrets of this country's oldest, most steadfast and most powerful ally, behind the back of the British government, is something that should set off alarm bells. Following in the wake of earlier betrayals of prior American commitments to put a nuclear shield in Eastern Europe, and the undermining of Israel and calculated insults to its prime minister, this pattern raises serious, and perhaps almost unthinkable, questions about the Obama administration's foreign policy.
One of Barack Obama's first acts as President of the United States was to fly to Russia and try to get a deal with the Russian government by welshing on an existing American commitment to put a nuclear shield in Eastern Europe. more
Posted at 02:40 PM in Current Affairs, Freedom under Fire, Obama Lies, Thomas Sowell | Permalink | Comments (2) | TrackBack (0)
Rick Green of Wallbuilders shows us the intent of the Founders and shows us the key elements in creating our Constitution. By returning to the original intent of the Constitution, we can revive the engine of free enterprise, and rekindle the knowledge of our liberty. We can, not only save our country, but return it to prosperity. It starts with each one of us.
Continue reading "Seminar - Understanding the Constitution (1/20/11)" »
Posted at 09:44 AM in Constitution, Current Affairs, Events | Permalink | Comments (2) | TrackBack (0)
The Subversive Agenda of our Public Schools:
What we need to know and how we can change it:
Continue reading "Subversive Agenda of our Public Schools" »
Posted at 10:21 AM in Current Affairs, Events, Issues | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)
Posted at 11:31 PM in Constitution, Current Affairs, HealthCare, Legislation, Obama Lies, Socialism | Permalink | Comments (2) | TrackBack (0)
Jim Babka & Perry Willis Quotes of the Day: "Do to others as you would have them do to you." -- Jesus of Nazareth, Luke 6:31 (NIV) "Liberty is the only thing you cannot have unless you are willing to give it to others." -- William Allen White ---- Once upon a time, in a country known as the land of the free and the home of the brave, these words were rarely heard: "May I see your papers please?" But, increasingly, the free and the brave became dependent and cowardly. They begged to wear chains. Many fought the trend, but even they were undone, because some in their ranks harbored fears greater than their love of freedom. Remember where you heard this . . . If American freedom dies, the widespread desire to control immigration will have been a major factor. And remember where you heard this . . . If the fight to defeat the creation of a national ID card FAILS, it will be because of the widespread desire to control immigration. Let us not forget, we have drawn the line on Real ID. Five years have gone by, and we've stalled implementation. But now, other Real ID Jr. proposals are building a head of steam. So remember where you heard this . . . Americans will have to carry internal passports, and show them to State officials constantly, and have every aspect of their lives controlled by far off know-it-alls in the federal bureaucracy. Your federal overlords will gain increased control over . . . * Where, how, and even if you can earn a living This total control will be made possible by a national identification system that was put in place in order to control immigration. But it will really control YOU! In this way, immigration control and registration is just like gun control and registration -- it most deeply affects law-abiding citizens. Remember where you heard this . . . The immigration debate is NOT about what Mexicans will be allowed to do, IT'S about what YOU will be allowed to do. It's about YOUR freedom . . . * First the politicians wanted to curtail your freedom to protect you from terrorists Remember where you heard this . . . The immigration debate is a scam. It's fear-mongering, foisted by busy-bodies of all varieties. The result will be Bigger Government in Washington, DC. It will control YOU. And now, it's up to YOU to decide . . . Are you afraid of terrorists and Mexicans? ...or whatever hobgoblin the Big Government Fearmongers will conjure next? Will you be free and brave, or dependent and cowardly? Will you trade YOUR FREEDOM for a false promise of protection? This is how we see the issue. And if you end up in chains, remember who warned you. We did. Meanwhile, for the brave who want to remain free, let the spirit of resistance continue . . . In addition to this campaign's hardwired letter to Congress, which reads as follows -- "Please don't try to fix the REAL ID Act. Please, just repeal it." -- we suggest you add the following in your personal comments . . . "Please oppose any legislation that contains any support for any kind of national identification system. I specifically oppose plans for a Social Security card containing biometric identifiers. I do not want ANY national identification scheme, and I reject your claim that I need such a system in order to be protected from terrorists and Mexican immigrants. I am not afraid! And I want you to stop being afraid on my behalf." You can send your letter to Congress here: Our thanks go to those who prefer bravery and freedom. Jim Babka & Perry WillisPapers Please
President & Vice President, Inc.
* Whether or not you can board a train, or enter a federal building
* Whether or not you can cash a check, or buy guns or alcohol
* What kind of healthcare you receive
* How long you'll stand in line at the DMV, and whether you can have a license
* Whether or not you can be stopped on our streets, and even detained, for failure to display your card
* And many other aspects of your life
* Now they want to curtail your freedom to protect you from Mexicans
President & Vice President, Inc.
Posted at 05:36 PM in Constitution, Current Affairs, Freedom under Fire, Obama Lies | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Accountants, nurses, chemists, surveyors, cooks, clerks and janitors are among the wide range of jobs that get paid more on average in the federal government than in the private sector.
Overall, federal workers earned an average salary of $67,691 in 2008 for occupations that exist both in government and the private sector, according to Bureau of Labor Statistics data. The average pay for the same mix of jobs in the private sector was $60,046 in 2008, the most recent data available. MORE
Posted at 11:19 AM in Current Affairs, Government Class Pay Rates | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
RE: The mandate under the Obama-Pelosi-Reid healthcare legislation requiring American citizens to purchase health insurance violates the U.S. Constitution.
ACTION: We urge you to make this point to members of the U.S. Senate—and if a bill passes the Senate to impress upon members of both chambers of Congress—that the key provision in the healthcare legislation violates the U.S. Constitution.
ISSUE: Mandating that individuals must obtain health insurance, and imposing any penalty—civil or criminal—on any private citizen for not purchasing health insurance is not authorized by any provision of the U.S. Constitution. As such, it is unconstitutional, and should not survive a court challenge on that issue. Supporters of the legislation have incorrectly contended that the legal justification for the mandate is authorized by the Commerce Clause, the General Welfare Clause, or the Taxing and Spending Clause. Given that this mandate provision is essential to Obamacare; its unconstitutionality renders the entire program untenable.
Therefore it cannot be any of these constitutionally-permitted taxes.
(All organizations are listed for identification purposes only)
Edwin Meese, former Attorney General
Steven G. Calabresi, Professor, Northwestern Law School
Mathew D. Staver, Founder & Chairman, Liberty Counsel
Curt Levey, Executive Director, Committee for Justice
Marion Edwyn Harrison, Past President, Free Congress Foundation
Kenneth Klukowski, Senior Legal Analyst, American Civil Rights Union
Wendy Wright, President, Concerned Women for America
J. Kenneth Blackwell, Visiting Professor, Liberty School of Law
Grover Norquist, President, Americans for Tax Reform
William Wilson, President, Americans for Limited Government
Matt Kibbe, President, FreedomWorks
Jim Martin, President, 60 Plus Association
David McIntosh, former Member of Congress, Indiana
Colin A. Hanna, President, Let Freedom Ring
Tony Perkins, President, Family Research Council
Brent Bozell, President, Media Research Center
Brian McManus, Council for Affordable Health Insurance
Karen Kerrigan, President, Small Business & Entrepreneurship Council
T. Kenneth Cribb, former Counselor to the U.S. Attorney General
Richard Viguerie, Chairman,
Alfred Regnery, Publisher, American Spectator
Posted at 08:44 AM in Constitution, Current Affairs, HealthCare, Socialized Medicine | Permalink | Comments (3) | TrackBack (0)
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- A Balanced Budget
- Constitutional, Limited Government,
- Stop the irresponsible spending
- No more bailouts
- Stop Generational Theft
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-A Republic, One Nation Under God Indivisible, with Liberty and Justice for All
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